Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery

An umbilical hernia in adults occurs during an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and under the influence of high loads on the anterior abdominal wall. More and more women experience this disease during pregnancy and in the presence of excess weight. These factors also lead to an increase in pressure inside the peritoneum, and this is the main cause of the onset of the disease.

Pathology in adults manifests itself externally in the form of a rounded formation in the region of the umbilical ring or bulging of the navel itself.

umbilical hernia in women

The protrusion can be corrected independently, in addition, it disappears in the supine position. If this does not happen, the patient needs immediate medical attention, because such a phenomenon indicates the infringement of organs in the area of ​​​​the hernial orifice or sac.

The treatment of such a pathology is carried out exclusively surgically, and any folk methods are considered only as an auxiliary measure before the operation and during the rehabilitation period. When there are complications, any non-surgical methods are contraindicated and dangerous to health. Ignoring a strangulated umbilical hernia in adults can be fatal.

Self-treatment of umbilical hernia in adults with folk remedies is possible in case of contraindications to surgery, and when preparations are being made for hernia repair, and complications must be prevented.

What is an umbilical hernia

Before treating an umbilical hernia in adults at home, it is important to determine its causes and risk factors, because without eliminating them, you can again encounter the disease after the navel is set and the hernial sac is removed.

Why does a hernia of the umbilical ring occur in an adult:

  1. Pregnancy and overweight. This leads to stretching of the muscles, and against the background of their weakness, a defect is formed through which the internal organs penetrate.
  2. Transferred surgical treatment . There is tissue damage in the area of ​​the surgical scar, and if the load on them is increased during the recovery period, this will lead to the development of a ventral (postoperative) hernia.
  3. Heavy sports . Strength exercises, lifting dumbbells, squatting with a barbell can cause muscle divergence.
  4. Lack of physical activity. Physical inactivity is the cause of many diseases, and a hernia of the umbilical ring is no exception. Muscle weakness will be the second most important risk factor in the onset of the disease after high intra-abdominal pressure.

causes of hernia in adults

Symptoms and degree of formation of an umbilical hernia:

  1. Slight protrusion of the umbilical ring . There are no symptoms. The patient does not care about anything, except for the bulge of the navel. Without treatment, the hernial protrusion increases in size, most of the organs penetrate into the sac.
  2. Painful protrusion of the umbilical ring. When trying to set the navel, the patient experiences pain that disappears in the supine position and on an empty stomach.
  3. Hernia with specific symptoms . The patient has a number of persistent symptoms that occur in response to physical activity, straining. Soreness and discomfort increase during movement, discomfort spreads to the lower back and one leg.
  4. A pinched hernia . A large part of the organ sharply penetrates into the hernial sac, and the gate is compressed. This is accompanied by tissue compression, their gradual death against the background of insufficient blood circulation.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Conservative therapy for hernia in adults includes the following activities:

  1. Wearing an umbilical band. A special support belt provides a reduction in the load on the muscles of the press and the white line of the abdomen, which allows them to be at rest for the period of treatment. Such a bandage is also indicated after surgery in order to prevent relapse. It is contraindicated to wear in case of infringement and the occurrence of other complications, especially intestinal obstruction.
  2. Taking medicines. With hernias of the abdomen in adults, showing drugs to normalize the functioning of the intestines in order to prevent or already eliminate constipation and bloating. Pain medications are also shown, but strictly according to the doctor's indications, otherwise there is a risk of missing an important symptom of complications.
  3. Physiotherapy exercises. Special exercises for umbilical hernia can strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasm. The complex is selected individually, but the contraindications are the same for all patients. It is forbidden to make sudden movements, twisting, jumping and lifting weights.
  4. Non-traditional methods of therapy. These include acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy, acupressure. These treatment options will have a general strengthening effect that will help the body fight the underlying disease.
  5. Alternative methods of hernia treatment at home . With an umbilical hernia, various compresses have proven themselves well, especially from cabbage leaves and oatmeal. You can also take tinctures based on herbs with anti-inflammatory and restorative effects. Folk methods are more suitable for children when the chance of self-reduction of the protrusion is much higher.

Folk remedies

How to cure a hernia in adults with compresses:

  • red clay - a small cake is made from it and applied to the navel until completely dry;
  • oatmeal - flakes are crushed and infused in boiling water to a thick consistency, the mixture is applied to the protrusion for several hours;
  • baked onion - one onion, heated in the oven, is applied warm to the umbilical hernia for one hour;
  • nettle and honey - the grass is crushed and mixed with honey, the mixture is applied to the protrusion at night;
  • pine resin - melted raw materials are applied to the navel, the skin around which is pre-lubricated with camphor oil, the product is fixed for several hours daily.

excess weight and hernia of the abdomen

Non-surgical treatment of umbilical hernia with folk remedies is performed under the supervision of a specialist. Any change in condition should alert, and this must be reported to the doctor.

Therapeutic baths for umbilical hernia:

  1. A decoction of oak bark is poured into a hot bath.
  2. A bath with a decoction of cherry branches is taken.
  3. A warm solution is prepared with the addition of a spoonful of vinegar, a hernia is washed with it.


You can do physical therapy at home. To do this, it is enough to have a gymnastic rug, a fitball and a sports wall. Exercises for the muscles of the press and back will be useful. Before performing, you need a warm-up, which includes turns of the torso, joints of the arms and legs, stretching. Such methods of treatment without surgery, such as exercise therapy and diet, are ideal at the initial stage of the formation of the pathological process.

Gymnastics will not help get rid of an umbilical hernia, but it will be an important element of postoperative recovery, and it is better to do muscle strengthening as soon as possible.

abdominal hernia

A useful set of exercises for hernia in adults:

  1. Lying on your stomach, hands behind your head. Raise your shoulders and upper body, linger in this position for 5 seconds.
  2. Lying on your back. Raise the pelvis, linger in this position for 10 seconds.
  3. standing. Make slow turns of the body to the sides, forward and backward.
  4. Lying on your back. Raise your legs to 45 degrees, linger in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Lying on my stomach. Leaning on the palms, raise the torso until the arms are fully extended.

Bandage and plaster

A supportive bandage for a hernia is prescribed to fix the protrusion and prevent its infringement. You need to wear it for several hours a day, while doing everyday activities that involve light physical activity. There are elastic, rigid and universal bandages. With a hernia of the umbilical ring in adults, the first and last options will be optimal.

You need to wear a belt on a naked body or a thin T-shirt made of natural fabrics. You need to fix it in the prone position when the hernia is set.

Indications for surgery

Treatment with folk remedies is canceled when dangerous conditions arise:

  • infringement of a hernia;
  • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • hernial sac infection.

abdominal pain with umbilical hernia

These states will be an absolute indication for the operation. Now, in order to remove a hernia, methods of laparoscopic and open hernioplasty are used. In the first case, the risk of complications and ventral hernia is much lower, but the method has many contraindications and is not performed in every clinic.

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