Symptoms and prevention of diffuse disc protrusion

Diffuse disc protrusion is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, in which the nucleus pulposus contained in the intervertebral discs extends beyond the fibrous ring, but does not destroy it. The word "diffuse" in the name of the disease is explained by the fact that changes usually affect not one, but several vertebral segments at once. The number of pathological foci and the areas of their localization often explain the development of a particular clinical picture.

Types of pathology

The classification of protrusions according to the affected spine is most commonly used.

disc protrusion

In this regard, there are deviations from the norm:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

When classifying, attention is paid precisely to localization, since the manifestation of most symptoms is associated with it. So, for example, the development of diffuse protrusion of l4-l5 discs leads to the formation of the so-called pear-shaped syndrome, in which the patient will complain of pain in the gluteal muscle associated with clamping of the sciatic nerve. If protrusion of the l5 s1 disc has developed, then the patient will complain of a “horse tail syndrome”, in which the sensitivity of the lower extremities is gradually lost.

If the pathology is severely neglected, then it can even reach paralysis.

In addition to the localization of pathology in the spine, the direction of the protrusion is important, which also largely affects the manifestation of certain symptoms.

Direction can be:

  • central , in which the spinal roots are compressed;
  • posterior , in which the roots are not always pinched, but there are often complaints of radiating pain;
  • lateral , which rarely make themselves felt by any symptoms and are mostly discovered by chance.

x-ray of the spine

The posterior diffuse protrusion is considered the most dangerous, since at any time it can lead to severe compression of the roots and paralysis of a person.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Until now, the exact reasons for the development of diffuse protrusion have not been established.

It is believed that the formation of this pathology can contribute to:

  • the presence of osteochondrosis, which is not treated;
    various traumatic injuries of the vertebral
  • column in history;
  • osteoporosis;
  • heredity in the form of underdevelopment of connective tissues, due to which they are not able to fully perform their functions and support the frame of the spine;
  • severe pregnancy or birth trauma of a woman in labor;
  • various congenital anomalies.

spine health

Increase the likelihood of developing the disease, such risk factors as lack of physical activity, the presence of bad habits and the elderly age of the patient.

Some doctors believe that the development of protrusion is the first sign of degenerative-dystrophic changes beginning in the human body, but there is no full confirmation of this theory. An important role in the formation of the disease is assigned to insufficient intake of vitamins (especially vitamin D, which is responsible for the strength of bone tissues), malabsorption of nutrients, and hormonal changes. Consequently, not only the elderly, for whom gastrointestinal pathologies are not uncommon, are at risk, but also women in the menopause, as they are faced with powerful hormonal changes.

Another risk group that is often forgotten is patients with chronic endocrine disorders in various organs. They may also experience protrusion.


Despite the difference in clinical manifestations, l5 s1 disc protrusion, like any other pathology of this type at other levels, can be assumed by the patient on his own.

back hurts

To do this, you need to evaluate the presence of symptoms such as:

  • frequent pain in the region of the spinal column, which intensifies when performing certain movements;
  • a feeling of numbness in the lower extremities, which, as the disease progresses, can rise higher, which often worries the patient, forcing him to see a doctor;
  • goosebumps in the lumbar or other affected area;
  • stiffness, limited movements in the spinal column, the inability to fully perform previously available actions;
  • insufficient elasticity of muscle structures, a sharp decrease in their tone;
  • tingling sensation when making flexion or extension movements in the spine.

It is important to keep in mind that initially the pain will be strictly localized, without a feeling of numbness or immobilization. Additional symptoms will appear as the pathology progresses. Paralysis of the lower extremities is caused mainly only by neglected protrusion of the l5 s1 disc, which has not been treated.


If diffuse protrusion is suspected, the patient is advised to visit a doctor and undergo a series of examinations that will either confirm or refute the diagnosis. It is important to remember that the symptoms of protrusion may be characteristic of some other diseases, and therefore careful differentiation is very important in order not to be mistaken with further treatment tactics.

diagnosis of diseases of the spine

Diffuse protrusion of the intervertebral discs is a diagnosis that is not made on the basis of only the symptoms found in the patient and established in the course of obtaining an anamnesis. Confirmation is required, which in most cases can be obtained using the MRI diagnostic technique. This method allows you to establish at what stage the disease is, as well as make assumptions about the reasons for its development.

Diagnosis must necessarily not only establish the degree of protrusion, but also the cause of the development of the disease. Only after establishing the cause, it will be possible to begin a full-fledged treatment, which will not only stop the symptoms, but will help to cope with the disease itself.

Approaches to therapy

Today, diffuse disc protrusion is treated in three main ways. These include:

  1. Medicines.

If the disease is not too pronounced, the patient may be prescribed medication as a therapy. They mainly use drugs from the group of anti-inflammatory drugs (both non-steroidal and hormone-containing, depending on the activity of the inflammatory process), muscle relaxants (medicines that can relieve muscle spasms, which often lead to the formation of pain syndrome); chondroprotectors (means aimed at protecting the cartilaginous structures of the intervertebral discs from destruction).

drugs for protrusion

Additionally, from drugs, the use of multivitamin complexes or biogenic stimulants that can improve blood flow in the affected area and activate metabolic processes may be recommended.

  1. Reflexology.

Recent studies have shown that, along with medicines, various methods of reflexology, physiotherapy, and physiotherapy exercises are effectively used. With the right combination with medications, it is sometimes possible to cope even with severe pathology, if the combination of methods is done correctly.

  1. Surgery.

Surgical treatment is used by doctors in rare cases. Its implementation is recommended if the protrusion progresses rapidly, and conservative methods of therapy do not slow down the process and do not give a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The importance of proper nutrition

If intervertebral protrusion has developed, proper nutrition, which many patients frankly neglect, will be a good help in therapy. It is recommended to radically revise your diet, adding various products to it as much as possible that will help the body in the fight against the disease. Food should be rich in useful vitamins, micro and macro elements that are necessary for the skeletal system.

nutrition for spine health

It is best to include in your daily diet:

  • various vegetables and herbs;
  • bean products;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • dishes containing gelatin (aspic, jelly);
  • meat broths.

In addition to the recommended foods, there is also a list of delicacies that are recommended to be avoided at least for the duration of treatment in the acute phase of the disease.

So, for example, everything that is too salty, fried, smoked is not recommended for use. It is also better to exclude coffee and products that contain a large amount of dyes and flavors.

Possible negative consequences

Diffuse type protrusion is a pathology that aggressively affects the surrounding tissues. The structures of the spinal cord are especially affected, which can lead to various disorders of sensitivity, motor skills, and disrupt the functioning of internal organs. If you delay in contacting specialists, then protrusion can transform into an intervertebral hernia, which already poses a serious threat to life and health.

In addition to the transformation of the protrusion into a hernia, it is also possible that the structures of the spinal cord are strongly compressed by the original defect itself, if it is large enough or poorly located. At the same time, if the blood supply to the spinal cord is not restored in a timely manner, as well as its freedom, one may encounter the death of nerve cells, which can lead to paralysis, loss of the ability to function in some organs.


Protrusion only seems to be a safe disease of the musculoskeletal system. However, this is not the case. If the pathology is ignored by the patient, no measures are taken to get rid of it, that is, there is a risk of encountering a number of very unpleasant complications.

Preventive actions

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later. Spinal disc protrusion is no exception. Of course, even the ideal implementation of preventive recommendations will not insure against the development of the disease by 100%, but will significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering a disease.

People with a tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system are recommended:

  • carefully monitor your diet, giving up junk food, giving preference to healthy food rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • control weight (weight gain leads to an increase in the load on the spinal column, which can contribute to the formation of protrusion);
  • engage in light sports or at least give up a sedentary lifestyle (daily take short walks in the fresh air, perform light gymnastic complexes);
  • regularly undergo medical examinations so as not to miss the moment of development of the pathology;
  • control chronic diseases of all organs and systems, preventing them from reaching the stage of decompensation (special attention is paid to metabolic diseases and endocrine pathologies);
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, you can wear a corset that will reduce the load on the spinal column in patients whose work is associated with overstrain of this part of the body.

intervertebral disc

Protrusion is an insidious pathology that can be characterized by a prolonged absence of any symptoms. Because of this, the patient is far from immediately being seen by a specialist and receiving qualified assistance.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is recommended to abandon attempts at self-treatment and seek help from professionals. This simple step will prevent the protrusion from turning into a hernia, which is not only more difficult to treat, but also more dangerous due to unforeseen consequences for life and health.

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