Features of manifestations and treatment of dorsal disc protrusion

Dorsal disc protrusion is a disease of the spinal column in which the protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the direction of the spinal canal occurs. The disease is quite widespread in modern society, and therefore it is necessary to understand how to properly deal with the disease, how to diagnose it and what are its symptoms.

Features of the disease

What are dorsal disc protrusions? This is a degenerative pathological process that affects the spinal column. A prerequisite for the occurrence of protrusion is the exit of the spinal disc from its normal position into the region of the spinal canal.

Dorsal disc protrusions are often accompanied by severe pain. This is due to the fact that the disc is in the cavity of the spinal canal and produces pressure on the nerve trunks passing in this area. In addition to pain, patients often complain to doctors about a violation of sensitivity in some areas.

back pain

Many patients mistakenly believe that the pathology of the spinal discs develops slowly and does not pose a particular threat to life and health. This is a wrong opinion. The disease can lead to disability if pathological processes affect the spinal cord.

Separately, many doctors distinguish the concept of diffuse protrusion. In this case, we are talking about the fact that several heterogeneous defects have developed in the spinal column, which are located at different levels.

Most often, the disease occurs in the lumbar spine. However, it is important to remember that other levels of the spinal column can also suffer.

Reasons for development

Many patients are wondering what are the causes of dorsal protrusions, what factors contribute to the formation of pathology? Today, doctors can name a huge number of different features of life and individual development that affect the development of the disease.

protrusion of the lumbar

These include:

  • incorrect formation of posture in childhood and adolescence, formed scoliosis;
  • various traumatic effects on the spinal column;
  • insufficient development of the muscular corset, which should remove part of the load from the spine;
  • various degenerative changes due to age;
  • excessive tension of individual sections of the spine, accompanied by disturbances in the blood supply, lymphatic drainage;
  • various infections affecting the spine;
    active inflammatory processes occurring locally or at the system level;
  • chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Establishing the causes of the development of the disease is important, since their full treatment often requires their elimination.


Dorsal protrusion of the intervertebral discs according to the international classification system is divided into several varieties. The reference point for classification is the localization of the pathological process.

symptoms of a bulging disc


  1. Defeat level L4-L5 . Often undiagnosed, asymptomatic for a long time, the patient does not present any complaints. In severe cases, complaints of pain in the legs, the appearance of a crunch in the back during movement are possible.
  2. Pathology L5-S1 . The most common disease of the lumbar spine, considered one of the most dangerous. Patients usually complain of severe pain, which becomes more intense over time. In severe cases, the patient begins to noticeably limp, as the movements of the legs cause pain.
  3. Protrusion of the intervertebral disc at the level of C5-C6 . A disease affecting the cervical spine. Occurs quite often. Patients with this diagnosis are characterized by complaints of intense headaches, pain in the neck, lack of full obedience of the upper limbs.
  4. Defeat at L3 level . Another common problem affecting the lumbar region. The patient complains of impaired sensation in the toes. In advanced cases, there are complaints of problems with urination.


The development of dorsal disc protrusions can be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. It largely depends on which intervertebral disc has undergone deformation, in which part of the spinal column it is located, and which nerve roots are under pressure.

protrusion of the intervertebral disc

Most often, patients may present the following complaints:

  • intense headaches that develop for no apparent reason;
  • dizziness, having a paroxysmal character;
  • intense pain that can radiate to the limbs from above or below, and sometimes to the buttocks;
  • various pathological changes in the functioning of internal organs;
  • numbness of various parts of the body (particularly often affected limbs);
  • problems with the process of urination (urinary incontinence is most common, but, on the contrary, stagnation is also possible);
  • pathological changes in the process of defecation (frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea);
  • weakness of muscle structures that are located below the affected area;
  • problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the body as a whole.

Identification of any one symptom or several at once requires an immediate visit to the attending physician.

Is the disease dangerous?

It is not enough to know what dorsal protrusion is, but it is also necessary to understand that this disease poses a real threat to human health and life.

The disease has a very negative effect on the spinal structures, which is why the patient may develop the following disorders:

  • various pathological changes in motility;
  • decrease in the level of sensitivity or its complete loss;
  • adverse changes in the work of individual organs or entire systems;
  • the formation of full-fledged hernial protrusions;
  • negative change in the properties of the shell of the intervertebral disc.

How does protrusion manifest?

Without timely assistance, a person may well end up in a wheelchair, since the disease often primarily affects the lower limbs, making it impossible for independent movement.

It is important to remember that both diffuse and bilateral protrusion are dangerous pathologies. If the disease is severely neglected, then the person will not be able to fully restore motor activity even if he decides on surgical treatment. This is explained by the critical irreversibility of changes in nerve fibers. Moreover, it is important to remember that with protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine, paralysis affects a larger area of ​​the body than, for example, with damage to the lumbar.

Diagnostic methods

Dorsal disc protrusion is diagnosed by a doctor with an emphasis on examining the patient, analyzing his complaints and anamnesis of life. First of all, attention is paid to chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which can play a role in the formation of the disease. It is also necessary to evaluate complaints, clarifying the nature of pain or discomfort, paying attention to whether the symptoms change with active movements, or everything remains the same.

cervical protrusion

In addition to examination and conversation with the patient, instrumental diagnostics is mandatory. X-ray, CT and MRI are the most informative. These studies allow you to accurately determine in which of the sections of the spine the defect is located, what are its dimensions and features of formation.

The MRI diagnostic method is considered the most accurate and effective today.

Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the pathology of the spinal discs at the earliest stages of formation, when the symptoms are still completely absent. Radiography and CT become an alternative if the use of MRI is not possible for any reason.


Many patients, having heard their diagnosis, ask a natural question about how to treat dorsal protrusion? First of all, you need to remember that treatment should be systematic and comprehensive.

If it was possible to catch a disease with affected vertebrae in the early stages of its development, conservative methods of treatment can be dispensed with.

how to treat protrusion

The first step is drug therapy. The main task in this case is to stop the inflammatory processes and stop the pain syndrome in order to give the patient the opportunity to fully move again. Also, drugs are selected that will improve the local blood supply to the vertebral discs, increase their flexibility and resistance to various adverse factors.

It is important not only to stop the symptoms, but also to influence the mechanisms of the formation of the disease. To do this, it is recommended to do stretching of the spinal column, strengthening the muscle corset. Massage, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture and other additional techniques will help the patient in this. Many are also additionally recommended to wear a corset, which should help relieve some of the load on the spinal column.

If the disease could not be diagnosed in the early stages of development, and conservative methods were useless, the patient is recommended surgery. The choice of the optimal method of intervention remains with the attending physician.


Dorsal protrusions are defects that are much easier to prevent than to first allow them to form and then treat them.

vertebral disc protrusion

The following are recommendations for prevention:

  • it is necessary to change the lifestyle from a sedentary to a more active one, or at least pay attention to physical education;
  • it is recommended to follow a diet and select well-balanced foods so that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements;
  • it is recommended to give up bad habits;
  • patients should monitor their weight, as its excess increases the load on the spinal column;
  • a healthy and strong nervous system, avoidance of stressful influences also play an important role.

Timely detection and treatment of dorsal protrusions is not an easy task, since often the disease of the spine is hidden. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for help.

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