Methods of treatment of spinal hernia

A hernia of the spine is one of the most dangerous diseases that is encountered at different ages due to the high load on the back and against the background of other diseases of the spinal column. The protrusion of the intervertebral disc begins with protrusion, degenerative-dystrophic changes. The fibrous ring is gradually destroyed, which eventually leads to its rupture and the release of the contents of the nucleus pulposus into the space of the spinal canal.

herniated disc

This disease is dangerous because the pulp that has gone beyond the nucleus compresses the nerve roots, and its detachment can lead to migration through the epidural space and damage to the spinal cord.

Treatment of a herniated disc is carried out by conservative methods, and at the stage of sequestration, a surgical operation is already required. Pathological changes in the spine are treated by a surgeon, neuropathologist, traumatologist and other specialists, depending on the consequences of the protrusion of the intervertebral disc and complications on the internal organs.

Ways to treat a herniated disc

Treatment of spinal hernia is aimed at eliminating pain and preventing complications. This is achieved through the use of drugs, physical methods and a gentle load regimen on the back.

For the patient, the main goal of therapy will be to reduce pain and return to normal life without constant discomfort and fear of damaging the hernia. The task of doctors will be to create all conditions for the normal activity of the patient without the risk of complications.

spine treatment

It is impossible to completely cure an intervertebral hernia, the destruction of the disc is an irreversible process, and in severe cases, when there is a threat to health, one has to resort to its removal with subsequent prosthetics.

How to cure a herniated spine:

  1. Conservative methods of treatment . These are medications, physical therapy, spinal traction, diet and many other activities.
  2. Surgical removal of the disc . This is a radical way, but the only way to cure a vertebral hernia at the stage of sequestration, when the spinal canal can at any time suffer from migrating particles of torn pulp.
  3. Rehabilitation after surgical removal of a hernia . This is a set of measures during the recovery period after the removal of a damaged intervertebral disc.

conservative methods

Non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia is a difficult task, but feasible in terms of maintaining the state of the disc at the stage of protrusion or hernia. This is important to prevent compression of the nerve roots and the appearance of sequesters. Some neurosurgeons, having heard the diagnosis of a hernia, are immediately referred for surgery, but many other doctors categorically disagree with this decision. The operation is the last measure, because any surgical intervention harms the spine and can result in a number of serious consequences.

herniated disc pills

Treatment of vertebral hernia differs at different stages of the disease. During a severe pain syndrome, the doctor prescribes strong painkillers, spinal blockade, and a gentle load regimen. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out at the same time, means are prescribed to relax the muscles and improve the nutrition of damaged tissues.

During the period of subsiding of symptoms, the patient undergoes physiotherapeutic procedures, if desired, uses methods of traditional medicine, wears a supporting bandage and is regularly examined by a neurologist.


Comprehensive treatment of vertebral disc herniation necessarily includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They well stop pain and reduce the inflammatory process in the area of ​​infringement of the nerve root. To reduce the compression of the tissues surrounding the disc, decongestants are used, which also relieve pain well.

Pain syndrome is treated with drugs:

  1. Corticosteroids - Decadron . They reduce inflammation, contribute to pain relief, but they act for a short period, and with prolonged use they cause side reactions.
  2. Muscle relaxants - Mydocalm . They relieve muscle spasm, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the damaged disc.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Nimesil . Pain relief and relieve inflammation.
  4. Antidepressants . They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor to normalize sleep and reduce pain.
  5. Narcotic analgesics . They are taken as prescribed by a doctor for severe pain that cannot be stopped with analgesics and NSAIDs.

How to treat an intervertebral hernia at home, the doctor will tell after the examination. To select a treatment regimen, you need to undergo a series of studies, including MRI. The diagnosis will have to be repeated after a while, and if it is magnetic resonance imaging, you should not be afraid of harm to health, this method does not use x-rays and can be carried out from birth.

medical treatment for hernia

The doctor will recommend taking not only NSAIDs and analgesics, but also B vitamins. They improve the conduction of the nerve impulse, but it is difficult to predict exactly when they will be useful. Vitamins will help with their relaxing effect, reducing the swelling of the nerve and its restoration.


Among the physical methods of therapy, electrical stimulation and treatment of the spine with pulsed current are more often used. A useful procedure will be electrophoresis, when you have to constantly take medicines inside, and this cannot pass without a trace for the stomach. To reduce the risk of a drug-induced ulcer or exacerbation of gastritis, the doctor will suggest electrophoresis or phonophoresis. This drug delivery is more efficient and safer.

What other methods are used for disc herniation:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetopuncture;
  • acupuncture;
  • post-isometric relaxation;
  • traction of the spine;
  • massage, manual therapy.

Most of the listed methods of physiotherapy help half of the patients with intervertebral hernia. Almost everyone benefits from post-isometric relaxation. This method quickly relieves muscle spasm by relieving pressure on the damaged disc and pinched nerve roots. This procedure alone is enough to remove the symptoms of the disease for a certain period.

healthy spine

Is it possible to cure the spine with physiotherapy:

  • physical methods improve metabolic processes in the area of ​​disc protrusion without damaging healthy tissues;
  • anesthesia occurs due to the introduction of drugs or exposure to certain points;
  • muscle spasm is removed , which removes stiffness of movements and constant discomfort;
  • microcirculation improves, nutrients enter the diseased area faster and in greater quantities;
  • physiotherapy relieves symptoms , but cannot become the main method of treating intervertebral hernias.

A good method would be acupuncture. It relieves pain and muscle spasm. An important condition for the effectiveness of the procedure will be the professionalism of the doctor. An experienced specialist can achieve a long-term remission of the disease. An approximate course of treatment is from 5 to 15 procedures with an interval of 2 days.

Enzyme therapy involves the use of enzyme absorbable agents that reduce the volume of a hernia in the spine. The drugs are injected using a galvanic current under the skin. During the course of treatment, the protrusion is reduced by 40-50%.

Hirudotherapy is also practiced for diseases of the spinal column, and is evaluated by physicians as an effective way to improve local blood circulation and resolve the pathological focus. For this, medical leeches are used, which secrete a set of enzymes necessary for tissue repair and reduction of hernia.


Nutrition is important during the period of recovery of the spine with drugs and after surgery. An even more important condition for the health of the disc and cartilage is maintaining water balance. With a herniated disc, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, not including coffee, tea, and juices. Only pure water will help the body stop the pathological process and maintain the condition of the damaged disc.

hernia diet

Nutritionists and neuropathologists distinguish the following harmful products for hernia:

  • sugar and flour;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • salt and spices;
  • spicy and fatty;
  • smoked meats and canned goods.


A special supporting corset is extremely important for vertebral hernia. The bandage protects the back from accidental injury, sharp turns, which can become a factor in complications.

During the treatment of a hernia of the back, the bandage has a number of advantages:

  • supports the diseased spine - it must be worn during physical work, performing simple exercises, which will prevent damage to the disc and even more of its destruction;
  • fixes the diseased department - during the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to immobilize the damaged area of ​​​​the back, such a bandage is used for injuries for complete immobilization until the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • reduces pain and relaxes - the corset takes on part of the load, but this can also harm, with the constant wearing of the bandage, the muscles atrophy.

The bandage should not be considered as a permanent measure, because the back muscles will weaken, which will become a factor in aggravating the disease. Doctors recommend using it only during periods of severe pain, during physical work and after surgical treatment.

Manual therapy

Massage and manual therapy have many contraindications. Before treating a hernia of the spine with these methods, you should consult with your doctor. Manual therapy involves a rough, and even aggressive effect on the spine, which can lead to the operating table. The doctor may recommend this method at the stage of protrusion in combination with displacement of the intervertebral joint.

manual therapy

With a disc herniation, the specialist still tries to act carefully and softly, but then the meaning of manual therapy is lost, and it is better to abandon it altogether.

Massage therapy can further harm a herniated disc by making the pain worse. Only light stroking and rubbing for a while will relax and relieve stiffness.

Spinal traction

Traction (traction) is carried out in water or on special devices in the physiotherapy room. The procedure is effective when the hernia is located in the cervical spine, given the low muscle resistance in it. When the disc protrudes, the method is useful, when the pulp falls out of the nucleus, it is not. Traction therapy can be considered for osteochondrosis and disc protrusion, that is, conditions preceding hernia.

In the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to completely abandon any medical procedures, except for anesthesia.


There are severe cases when conservative treatment of disc herniation is ineffective and the patient's condition only worsens. This will be an indication for the operation. Before treating a vertebral hernia in a radical way, the doctor will prescribe a series of studies to exclude contraindications. It may take a long time to prepare to remove the damaged drive.


The main indication for surgery is partial or complete paralysis with dysfunction of the internal organs. Radical treatment is considered after 4-6 months of ineffective conservative therapy, when muscle weakness increases. The operation is mandatory when a sequestered hernia is detected.

Rehabilitation after surgery

After surgical treatment, rehabilitation includes a set of measures:

  • massage;
  • exercise therapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • micropharmacopuncture;
  • electrical stimulation.

Bed rest after surgery is observed for 7-21 days, after which you can start restoring activity from walking, then include moderate physical activity and therapeutic exercises. Within a few months after the removal of the hernia, you can return to your usual life and forget about the disease you had before.

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