Complications and treatment of sequestered hernia
Herniated discs begin to form with minor changes in the spinal column, when the fibrous ring and the core of the natural shock absorber lose their shape and go beyond the spinal column. The disease is often preceded by osteochondrosis, and it all starts with tissue malnutrition by diffusion. The latter occurs during movement, and if it is absent, it will be difficult to bypass degenerative-dystrophic changes.
Sequestered spinal hernia is the last stage of disc protrusion, when part of it is torn off, and the gelatinous body (nucleus) enters the spinal canal, which threatens to compress the nerve roots and spinal cord.
And although untreated osteochondrosis is a common cause of this condition, disc herniation sequestration can occur against the background of many negative internal and external factors that adversely affect nutrition, metabolic processes and tissue integrity.
Such an ailment can be cured only surgically, and for this, a partial or complete removal of the disk is carried out with the obligatory elimination of sequesters. Without surgery, various folk remedies can be used, but they will only eliminate the symptomatic complex, which will contribute to the patient's normal well-being.
So what is a sequestered hernia, and why does it need to be removed? This is a violation of the integrity of the intervertebral disc with a rupture of the fibrous ring and the exit of the pulp into the spinal canal, where it migrates, irritating the nerve roots and spinal cord.
Pathology with a tendency to sequestration without surgery will certainly lead to this condition, it's only a matter of time. It must be removed because at any moment damage to the spinal roots and the brain can occur, which threatens complete paralysis with loss of ability to work and the possibility of self-service.
A sequestered spinal disc herniation and its treatment is the task of several doctors, the patient is monitored by a surgeon, neurologist, vertebrologist and others, depending on the patient's condition and related disorders.
Causes of a sequestered hernia
Sequestered intervertebral hernia - a consequence of the fol lowing disorders _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and th and phenomena :
- Untreated osteochondrosis. Degenerative-dystrophic disease leads to a decrease in the volume of the disc, it loses its elasticity, and the vertebrae begin to squeeze it. Compression leads to protrusion of the nucleus pulposus beyond the fibrous ring, and at any time a rupture of the disc and the release of the gelatinous body can occur. The result of insufficiently cured osteochondrosis may be a compression fracture of the spine.
- In high load on the spine. Constant pressure on individual vertebrae leads to a violation of their nutrition, but at the same time, a displacement occurs, followed by other pathological processes.
- About monotonous movements and a long stay in one position. This reason is associated with professional and sports hazards, when a person is forced to make one movement for a long time or sit for a long time. Both factors lead to an uneven distribution of the load on the spinal column, some muscles suffer from overstrain, others lose nutrients, which means that the disks no longer receive the elements necessary for metabolism. As a result, at first there is an ordinary, and then a sequestered hernia of the spine.
- Smoking . Inhalation of tobacco smoke affects the work of all body systems, especially muscles suffer from a lack of oxygen. Smoking disrupts blood circulation in the spine and limbs, which will initially provoke pathology, then aggravate it.
- Alcohol use . Low alcohol and alcoholic drinks poison the body, contribute to the release of important minerals and vitamins. Alcohol, even in moderation, can lead to complications. In addition, while intoxicated, there is a higher risk of an accidental injury or a sudden movement that is contraindicated in a hernia, because the pain is dulled.
- Trauma of the spine . A strong blow, bruise, dislocation and fracture can be the direct causes of sequestered herniated discs. However, inflammation of the soft and hard tissues of the spine and surrounding tissues can occur. In this case, an immediate operation to remove the sequestered hernia, followed by long-term rehabilitation, will be considered.
These are all indirect causes of a sequestered hernia, and each factor alone cannot lead to a pathological condition, but the influence of several will already be the beginning of abnormal changes in the spine.
A sequestered hernia of the spine also results from excess weight, difficult childbirth, and inadequate back load. Excessive pressure on the vertebrae provokes compression of the roots, and a complex of specific symptoms appears. In the early stages, this can affect the course of pregnancy, because a woman experiences not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Complicating this condition is the fact that not all effective methods of pain relief are acceptable when carrying a fetus.
During pregnancy, women who have already been diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia may face a complication in the form of sequestration. Due to the risks, pregnancy planning includes a number of preventive measures, and already during the gestation of the fetus, the expectant mother wears a supporting corset and is regularly examined by a vertebrologist.
More information about possible complications can be found on the Artusmed .
Types of disease
R distinguish the following types of sequestered intervertebral hernia:
- In the cervical region . Prolapse of the disc nucleus is more common at the level of the C6-C7 vertebrae. The condition is dangerous by a violation of cerebral circulation, an ischemic stroke can occur.
- In the lumbar region. Sequestration occurs more often between the L4-L5 vertebrae. Treatment of a sequestered hernia of such localization is only surgical.
- In the lumbosacral region. Pathology develops between 5 lumbar and 1 sacral vertebrae. This is the most common localization of hernias (70-75%).
With a hernia in the lumbosacral region, there is a high risk of neurological disorders with loss of sensation in the lower extremities.
The patient may experience compression of the spinal roots, the so-called cauda equina syndrome. Dorsal hernia (facing towards the spinal cord) in this region worsens the prognosis, and then surgery is also required.
Clinical manifestations
Signs of pathology are clearly visible on x-rays, as well as CT and MRI. Clinical manifestations may be absent for some time, but a sequestering hernia is never asymptomatic for a long time.
Symptoms of a herniated disc will vary depending on the location.
Neck department:
- paroxysmal headache;
- muscle weakness, decrease in neck volume;
- change of gait;
- wasting of the muscles of the arms, neck and shoulder girdle;
- moderate pain syndrome;
- increase in pain during movement;
- numbness of the upper limbs.
Ore department:
- pain in the shoulder blades, chest, ribs, stomach;
- gradually increasing paralysis of the limbs;
- muscle weakness, atrophy;
- feeling of numbness in the shoulder blades, arms, legs.
Lumbar :
- severe pain in the lumbar region with irradiation to the leg;
- dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
- infrequent and painful urination;
- stool retention, frequent constipation;
- paralysis of the limbs;
- loss of tendon reflexes;
- increased pain during movement.
Treatment Methods
With a sequestered disc herniation, attempts are made to conservative therapy, but only in the absence of severe symptoms of soreness and muscle weakness. Treatment of a sequestered hernia of the spine does not take place without regular examination by a vertebrologist and a surgeon. Before treating the back, it is important to know exactly the location of the pathological focus and assess the condition of the surrounding structures.
The operation is the main method of removing sequesters, but the rehabilitation and recovery of the body after removal of the pathological focus requires even more attention from specialists and the patient.
Non-surgical treatment includes the following activities:
- wearing a supportive corset;
- exclusion of physical activity;
- bed rest the first week from the appearance of sequesters;
- performing static exercises;
- massage procedures within 6 months from the diagnosis of the pathological process;
- taking medications: muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, analgesics, antispasmodics, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, corticosteroids and others.
The operation to remove a sequestered hernia is performed by an open or laparoscopic method.
During the intervention, the surgeon can perform partial or complete removal of the intervertebral disc and replace it with an endoprosthesis. Only an experienced surgeon can say for sure whether a sequestered hernia of the spine can be cured with minimally invasive methods or radical removal, but one thing is certain - treatment with folk remedies and conservative methods does not give any guarantee and a complication can occur at any time.