Features of inguinal hernia in girls
Inguinal hernia in girls is a pathology that is quite rare in medical practice. With this disease, some organs protrude into the labia or groin area. The hernia increases if the girl cries or strains, which in some cases is very striking.
Why does pathology develop
The reasons why girls and boys develop inguinal hernias differ significantly. This is due to the anatomical features of organisms. In young women, the mechanism for the formation of pathology is quite simple. During fetal development, the uterus is located quite high and is associated with the peritoneum. As the young organism grows, it gradually sinks down and can “tighten” the peritoneal layer behind it so much that it forms a small pocket through which the hernia will break through over time.
Reasons for the problem include:
- the presence in the abdominal region or on the abdominal wall of anatomically vulnerable placesthat may not withstand pressure (umbilical region, esophageal opening of the diaphragm, femoral and inguinal canals);
- a history of abdominal wall injuries (both accidental injuries and any surgical interventions are taken into account);
- the presence of pathologies leading to a jump in pressure in the intra-abdominal space (tumor neoplasms, stagnation of feces in the intestines, pathologies of the lungs, accompanied by a constant cough);
- obesity (poses the greatest danger to children who are not yet six years old).
In a girl suffering from an inguinal hernia, a small protrusion will be determined in the groin area, which can both be felt and determined visually. In rare cases, the protrusion of the hernial protrusion occurs, and then, when examining the genital organs, the doctor may pay attention to the fact that one labia is larger than the other.
In medicine, there are three main signs of the disease:
- Bulge instability.
The protrusion increases in size if the girl takes an upright position, screams or pushes. With relaxation, the complete disappearance of the hernia is possible.
- Cough symptom.
When coughing, you can notice a clearly defined bulge in the groin area, which instantly disappears as soon as the cough stops.
- Rumbling symptom.
If the doctor tries to feel the hernial protrusion or press on it, then you can hear a characteristic gurgling or rumbling with the naked ear or through a stethoscope.
Bilateral inguinal hernia in young women will be accompanied by similar symptoms. The main difference is that the protrusions can be found on both sides of the groin. A difference in shape and size is allowed, the symmetry of hernias does not mean anything.
Diagnostic methods
If a female child has suspicions of an inguinal hernia, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. The specialist will examine the baby, assess her general condition, pay attention to the presence or absence of the symptoms mentioned above.
The final diagnosis is confirmed with the help of the safest study - ultrasound.
Based on its results, the issue of the need for surgical treatment is decided, and sometimes associated complications are identified. In addition to ultrasound, additional diagnostic methods are practically not used.
If a girl has a hernia in the groin area, it is recommended to start therapy as early as possible. In most cases, an operational method of solving the problem is used.
Conservative treatment is prescribed if:
- there are signs of heart failure;
- blood clotting threshold is very low;
- there are severe disturbances in the work of the organs of the endocrine system.
As a conservative technique, it is recommended to wear a special bandage until the pathology that interferes with the operation is stabilized. In some cases, the doctor may allow parents to give the child decoctions of herbs according to folk recipes or make compresses, but the effectiveness of such measures is minimized.
If there are no contraindications to surgical treatment, then it is recommended not to avoid it. A simple operation, carried out in a timely manner, will help to solve the problem once and for all.
The surgeon uses two types of intervention, choosing at his own discretion:
- Laparoscopy.
Through small punctures, a camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, displaying an image on a monitor, as well as surgical instruments. The intervention is small in scope, the next day the girl will already feel completely normal.
- Mini access.
The hernia is sutured using a 1.5-3 cm access. Recovery after the intervention takes an average of three days. The operation is good because it has a minimal risk of complications that develop in only one case out of a hundred.
Possible Complications
Treatment of bilateral or unilateral hernial protrusion is recommended to start as early as possible. This is due to a high risk of developing complications, which include:
- infringement.
With a hernial infringement, the girl will complain of nausea, vomiting, and temperature fluctuations. With this complication, urgent surgical intervention is required.
- infertility in adulthood.
Sometimes an ovary or uterine tube enters the hernial sac. Due to compression of the structures, their necrosis occurs, which can lead to the inability to conceive a child in adulthood. The complication is dangerous because the baby may not even feel that a disaster has occurred, and its results are discovered only after a significant amount of time.
- Inability to repair a hernia.
The hernial protrusion can grow to such a size that it will be impossible to set it. In this case, mandatory surgical intervention will also be required, since over time the bulge can only increase in size.
- Pinched internal organs.
Not only the fallopian tube or ovary, but also other closely located organs can get into the hernial sac. In most cases, pinching, for example, intestinal loops, can be diagnosed in a timely manner based on complaints, but it is better not to allow it at all.
A hernia in the groin area in girls is much less common than in boys, but it is no less dangerous.
One of the most serious complications of untimely treatment is impaired fertility. When the first signs of pathology are detected, parents are advised to consult a doctor and begin therapy for the disease in order to prevent the development of negative consequences for the body of their child.