How to do yoga with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine

Hernias in the region of the lumbosacral spine significantly impair the quality of life of patients. In order to eliminate the feeling of soreness, mobility restrictions involve both conservative and radical methods of treatment.

yoga for spinal hernia

Yoga for hernia of the lumbosacral spine is used as an auxiliary element of treatment and to prevent the progression of the disease. Performing special asanas (exercises) also helps prevent hernia prolapse and demonstrates a positive therapeutic effect during the preparation period and after surgery.

Yoga exercises must be performed correctly, for this class it is recommended to conduct under the supervision of an instructor.

If the patient is practicing at home, then you can watch the correct performance of a particular asana on a video on the Internet. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is worth refraining from any physical activity. You can start doing exercises only with the prior consent of your doctor.

What are the benefits of yoga

Experts agree that the use of yoga in the treatment of lumbosacral hernia is a necessity. Exercises evenly distribute the load throughout the body, restore strength, and normalize the psycho-emotional state. Patients who have been practicing this practice for a long time can use any asanas. For a beginner, some exercises may seem difficult, and uneven, excessive load only harms the spine.

benefits of yoga for hernia

Those who are just starting classes are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before starting to perform exercises, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination , find out the degree of development of the disorder, and obtain consent to classes from your doctor.
  2. Start with minimal loads.
  3. Perform exercises smoothly, carefully . If some asana does not work the first time, do not be upset and hope for a momentary result.
  4. In no case do not expose the spinal column to intense mechanical stress : you should not jump, it is recommended to protect yourself from accidental blows and pushes in the back.
  5. The asanas selected by the instructor can be performed several times a day . Experts say that the practice is most beneficial at dawn: before 9 o'clock in the morning.
  6. During practice, you need to monitor your breathing. You can get acquainted with the breathing practice of pranayama and combine it with yoga classes.
  7. Intense, shooting, pulling or tingling pain is a sure signal that the session must be interrupted. If the discomfort does not go away on its own for a long time, a full-time consultation with the attending physician is required.

Beginners are not recommended to try to find a suitable exercise for themselves. You must first consult with an experienced yoga instructor, a rehabilitation doctor or a physiotherapist.

What asanas help

There are certain asanas that demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in intervertebral hernias.

Among them are:

  • regular performance of urdhovottanasana helps prevent the curvature of the affected vertebrae;
  • through shavasana, you can return the normal physiological position to displaced problem areas;
  • performing virabhadrasana helps to increase the mobility of the vertebrae, prevents pinching of nerve endings;
  • the implementation of urdhva muksha svanasana helps to reduce pressure on the nerve endings in the sacral spine, reduce the feeling of pain and normalize mobility;
  • through utthita trikonasana, it is possible to reduce pressure on the nerve endings;
  • performing tadasana helps to reduce pressure on the nerve endings located in the sacral spine, reduce pain;
  • through vrikshasana, it is possible to correct the position of the vertebrae, move the hernia and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms;
  • performing baddha konasana helps to strengthen the muscular corset and prevent prolapse of a hernia.


For some patients, long-term loads on the spine are strongly not recommended, so all asanas are performed in a gentle mode under the supervision of an instructor.


Asanas for hernias affecting the lumbosacral region have some features. Special exercises that stretch the spine can really solve the problems that arise, but they need to be performed slowly and for a long time. Yoga is a static load, while performing an asana, a person “freezes” in one position for a certain period of time.

Asanas that require twisting should be avoided.

The patient puts his feet together, draws in his stomach, tightens the muscles of the press, clasps his hands in a lock, puts them behind his head. After that, it is necessary to turn the hands in such a way that they are alternately up, then the front side, then the back side. Breathing is even and calm.

asanas for spinal hernia

Performing the “downward facing dog” pose. The patient becomes straight, feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to bend forward, rest your palms on the floor and press the ribs to the hips, if the stretch allows. You need to keep your back straight, bring your shoulder blades together. Be sure to monitor your breathing: it should be even and deep. You can press your chin to your chest in order to increase the tension in your back.

After the patient has finished training, it is necessary to lie on the floor on his back, spread his legs and arms, and relax as much as possible. Do not forget to follow the breath, which should be even and deep.

Who is yoga contraindicated for?

Yoga is an ancient, centuries-old practice that has practically no contraindications. However, patients who have problems with the spine are advised to refuse to perform exercises.


  • acute pain, which may indicate an exacerbation of the disease;
  • feelings of weakness, tingling, sensory disturbances, trembling in the limbs or body.

Additional Recommendations

Patients who have experienced a hernia of the spine in the sacrum are not recommended to postpone treatment and seek medical advice at the first manifestations of the disease. In the event that the hernia progresses, moderate physical activity will not be able to have a positive effect.

You should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Performing asanas contributes to the launch of regeneration processes, but it cannot completely get rid of existing disorders.
  2. To achieve a better result, an additional intake of certain groups of drugs may be recommended: NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, microcirculation correctors.
  3. In some cases, yoga exercises are good to perform during the rehabilitation period after surgery. Regular static loads help to strengthen the muscular corset, prevent the development of a repeated recurrence of the disease.

yoga for spinal problems

It is recommended to apply only to qualified specialists who are fluent in the skill of falling out asanas and will be able to give recommendations in the process of work.

Yoga is not only a set of physical exercises, but primarily a spiritual practice, so before starting a class, you need to calm down, relax and focus on the reactions of the body. In the event that there is severe discomfort or a feeling of soreness, it is recommended to stop the practice.

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