How to treat a hernia of the lumbar spine at home

A hernia in the lumbar spine cannot be ignored, even if there is no pain syndrome and the disease is at an early stage. Treatment and prevention should become a part of life, because without this, the need for surgical treatment can be brought closer, which is unsafe for the spine. After diagnosing this disease, it is important to listen to the doctor's recommendations, fulfill all the mandatory requirements and additionally engage in prevention.

spine health

Folk methods for the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine can be an effective addition to the therapeutic complex. Prevention at home includes a number of activities, and all of them are aimed at reducing the pain syndrome, preventing compression of the nerve roots and maximizing the stage of the pathology at which it was diagnosed without further development.

Ways to treat a herniated disc at home

Maintaining the health of the lumbar spine with folk remedies has no contraindications, if only to distinguish between effective methods and useless ones, which can also be harmful. You can get rid of the symptoms of a hernia not only with medicines and special events, but also with traditional medicine recipes.

The attending physician can confirm that with an intervertebral hernia, the whole body suffers, immunity weakens, and other diseases join.

Home remedies can help to strengthen the defense mechanism and improve health without harm, and when combined with exercise and physical therapies, you can even reduce a hernia.

lower back pain

Comprehensive treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine includes the following measures:

  • painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors;
  • physiotherapy exercises, exercises on simulators and spinal traction;
  • bandage during an exacerbation;
  • diet and general strengthening of the body;
  • folk remedies in the form of infusions, compresses, ointments.

It is difficult to imagine a vertebral hernia of the lumbar without pain. Absolutely all patients face this symptom. The pain can be chronic aching or occur periodically in the form of backache. Compression of the nerve roots in the lumbar region is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, it is not only accompanied by a terrible pain syndrome, but also threatens with paralysis.

Frequently asked questions about treatment

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia:

  1. Is it possible to get rid of a hernia of the spine without surgical treatment?

Complications can be prevented, but a damaged disk cannot be repaired. The operation is not always carried out, this is an extreme measure. There are still no such methods of conservative and surgical treatment that could restore the previous state of the vertebrae and discs.

The operation has a limited list of indications:

  • prolonged pain syndrome;
  • sequestration;
  • compression of the nerve roots;
  • dysfunction of internal organs;
  • risk of disability and paralysis.

herniated disc surgery

The doctor will never prescribe spinal surgery when the hernia does not pose a threat to life and the condition can be maintained with conservative methods.

  1. What is the permissible load for a hernia of the lumbar spine?

The disease significantly limits the ability to engage in physical labor, lift weights, go to the gym. As soon as there are problems with the spinal column, training with dumbbells and barbells is excluded. Doctors recommend lifting no more than 5 kg, and after surgery - up to 3 kg. The threat is physical exercise in the vertical position of the body, but swimming and water aerobics are acceptable and even useful.

  1. Is it possible to warm the back and do a massage?

Treatment of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar at home includes compresses and massage techniques, but it is strictly forbidden to apply a hot heating pad and massage the spine without special skills.

  1. How to determine the intervertebral hernia yourself?

Diagnosis of the disease is possible only by instrumental methods: MRI, CT or X-ray. The picture shows the protrusion and the severity of the violation. Symptoms of a hernia can also be confused with other pathologies of the spinal column, therefore it is impossible to determine a hernia on your own.

Drug therapy

Medical treatment of the lumbar spine at home is carried out after agreeing the drugs with the doctor. Some remedies are useless for hernia, despite their effectiveness against pain of other origin. Such funds will only lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore all drugs should be selected individually and taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

pills for spinal hernia

For the treatment of intervertebral hernia, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - have three actions simultaneously, analgesic, relieving inflammation and fever;
  • chondroprotectors - strengthen the structure of the cartilage and improve their nutrition, are positioned as a means to restore a damaged disc, but this action is doubtful, many doctors do not prescribe these drugs due to the lack of real benefit;
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - are used only in a hospital, long-term treatment leads to fragility of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • muscle relaxants - used to relax muscles, which reduces pressure on the nerve roots, the introduction of a single dose of the drug can already relieve severe pain;
  • enzyme agents - to improve blood circulation in damaged tissues, drugs strengthen the vascular wall, are indicated for long-term use.

The course of drug therapy for intervertebral hernia is long, therefore, symptomatic drugs are prescribed in parallel to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, eliminate insomnia and prevent complications against the background of weakened immunity.

Are chondroprotectors effective?

The main components of chondroprotectors are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These are the structural elements of cartilage that take part in regeneration. When their concentration rises, the process of restoring damaged joints and vertebrae starts. Their use makes sense if the course of treatment is not interrupted so that the content of components in the blood is always at a high level.

Glucosamine in the composition is responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid and the protection of tissues from the action of free radicals. The substance helps to restore joint mobility by increasing the production of synovial (interarticular) fluid.

Chondroitin sulfate stimulates the production of cartilage elements, in particular collagen and proteoglycan. The component affects the inflammatory process, reducing it, and also slows down the destruction of cartilage.


All the positive effects of chondroprotectors can be observed only a few months after taking according to the prescribed scheme. These are slow-acting medicines, it does not make sense to take them in a short course.

Due to the high cost and the lack of a quick result, many people refuse to take pills after a few weeks, which explains the absolute lack of results and negative reviews.


How and how to treat an intervertebral hernia with pain syndrome:

  • Ketorolac, Naproxen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac tablets will be strong medicines for pain, it is better to take them once during an exacerbation;
  • Finalgon, Kapsikam, Analgos cream have a weak analgesic effect, but they stimulate blood outflow, improve tissue nutrition, which is useful for hernia, they can be used regularly and for a long time, like all other local remedies;
  • muscle relaxants Baclofen, Tizanidin, Cyclobenzaprine will be effective for pain, they are especially effective when trauma has contributed to the hernia or muscles have been damaged;
  • narcotic analgesics are prescribed by the doctor when all other means fail to relieve pain, and they are also indicated after surgery.


Sedative drugs and antidepressants are prescribed by a doctor when constant pain affects the psycho-emotional state, depresses and leads to a depressive state. Without a doctor's prescription, you can take light sedatives - an infusion of valerian and motherwort.

Local funds

Healing gels and ointments are a good addition to the treatment, they are safe, they can be used for a long period without the risk of adverse reactions. Local remedies have analgesic, regenerative, stimulating, cooling and many other effects.

Useful local remedies for a hernia in the lumbar region:

  • based on NSAIDs - Fastum gel, Dolgit, Ketonal, Dolobene gel, Nise;
  • chondroprotective - Chondroitin, Alflutop, Chondroxide, Glucosamine;
  • locally irritating - Nikoflex, Finalgon, Kapsikam.

ointment for back pain

Homeopathic ointments are indicated for pain in the lower back after trauma and lumbago - Traumeel C and Zeel T. Effectively use the funds at the initial stage of disk destruction in the lumbar region.

Combined remedies (Dolobene) are effective for muscle pain, radicular syndrome, neuralgia, closed wounds and inflammation of the tendons.

Traditional medicine recipes

Means that will be useful for intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region:

  1. Ointment from comfrey.

Comfrey root 400 g is crushed and boiled in melted pork fat for 15 minutes. The mixture is poured with vodka and infused until cool, then boiled again and poured into a glass container. The finished product should be stored in a cold place.

The ointment is applied externally, applied in a thick layer on the skin in the area of ​​​​the diseased disc. The back is covered with cellophane and a blanket for 40 minutes. The medicine can be applied and left overnight.

  1. Saber tincture.

Tincture for oral administration: 50 g of cinquefoil root is poured with a liter of vodka, the mixture is infused for 3 weeks. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. You need to take a tablespoon diluted in a glass of water three times before meals.

infusion of cinquefoil

For external use: a bottle of Dimexide medicine is added to the finished tincture, the product is stirred, heated and applied warmly to the lumbar region.

  1. Honey compress.

Honey 50 ml is mixed with vodka 100 ml and aloe juice 25 ml. The mixture is infused for a day, stored in the refrigerator. Every day, the remedy is applied to the diseased spine and covered with a warm cloth for 30-60 minutes.

Exercises and bandage

At home, you can do exercises on the Evminov board:

  1. Lying on your back, holding the handrail with your hands, stretch your socks away from you.
  2. Lying on your stomach, alternately raise your left and right legs.
  3. Holding the handrail with your feet, head down, raise your torso (swing the press).
  4. Holding hands on the handrail, try to pull yourself up.
  5. Lying on your back, perform the exercise "scissors", raising your legs as high as possible.

exercises on the Evminov board

All exercises for a hernia of the lower back should be done in a bandage. It comes in different variations, depending on the material and the degree of fixation.

After the operation, you need to use a rigid or semi-rigid belt with soft inserts. At the initial stage of the disease, a soft and semi-rigid corset is suitable, which prevents sudden movements and accidental injury to the spine.

Recommendations for the prevention of complications

Before treating a vertebral hernia, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior for this pathology, restrictions and strict contraindications. This can be done only at a consultation with a specialist who sees the medical history and pictures of the sore lower back.

How to treat a hernia at home without harm and with the greatest efficiency:

  • sit less, try to keep your back straight;
  • if possible, sign up for a pool and swim regularly;
  • wear a corset during any physical activity;
  • sleep on your back, even if it is more comfortable on your stomach;
  • purchase a solid orthopedic mattress and pillow;
  • do not make sudden movements, avoid jumping and strong heel strikes;
  • it is better to stand in public transport, especially when driving on uneven roads;
  • avoid drafts, hypothermia and high temperatures.

massage for spinal hernia

How to cure a disc herniation without consequences is well known only by a specialist, the attending physician, who has thoroughly familiarized himself with the conclusions of the studies and anamnesis.

Massage and physiotherapy

When using folk remedies at home, one should not forget to look around with a doctor who can prescribe physiotherapy procedures. Physiotherapy will be useful at any stage of the hernia, various techniques can be performed once or in a course of several sessions.

Physical methods of treatment of the lumbar spine:

  • electro- and phonophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • UHF;
  • mud baths;
  • paraffin wrap;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrical stimulation.


Interstitial electrical stimulation is considered universal for all patients:

  • reduces the severity of pain syndrome;
  • improves tissue nutrition and blood outflow;
  • promotes the return of function of damaged nerves.

When self-medication is dangerous

Conditions in which you need to stop self-medication and consult a doctor:

  • persistent dysfunction of internal organs - persistent bowel disorder, urinary incontinence, involuntary bowel movements, constipation;
  • ponytail syndrome - severe pain appears, a person loses the ability to self-service and independent movement;
  • lumbodynia - aching or acute pain in the lower back, which occurs advantageously in the morning after sleep, gradually the intensity of the symptom increases;
  • lumboischialgia - pain is present not only in the lower back, but also spreads to one leg, while it is difficult to walk and sit down, the symptom often occurs after 30 years.

Treatment at home after surgery

Surgical treatment solves the problems of constant pain and the risk of complications, but only if the rules of rehabilitation after surgery are followed. In the early recovery period, the condition will be monitored by the attending physician, prescribing various procedures and medications. Then you will have to independently maintain the health of the lower back and the entire spine.

In order not to encounter a hernia again, it is enough to remove the risk factors that were present before the operation and could cause a hernia. This is often hypodynamia, high loads, non-compliance with the rules of training in the gym. Back health depends on lifestyle and the quality of care for the spine.

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