How to pump the press with a hernia of the spine

Many people who are faced with the problem of the appearance of a hernial protrusion in the spinal column are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to perform such a simple exercise as swinging the press? It would seem that there is nothing special in this simple load, but not every patient imagines exactly how the load on the spine is distributed during such manipulations and how harmful or useful it is. So is it possible to pump the press with a hernia of the spine?

Ambiguity of the problem

A herniated disc is a defect in the intervertebral discs that usually develops if the patient either overloads his spinal column or, on the contrary, gives him an insufficient amount of load. At the same time, the lower back suffers mainly, since it is it that is the most working department.

It is important to understand that the muscles can be weakened initially, which makes the spine very susceptible to various traumatic effects. In the end, not moving is not the best decision the patient can make, but then what to do?

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On the other hand, excessive loads on a weakened spinal column will also by no means become useful.

This is explained simply: the body will not be able to cope with a large amount of impacts and will respond to overload with a predictable breakdown. Then it turns out that it is better not to move?

The optimal outcome in this case is quite simple, although not obvious to most patients. All that is needed is to use special sets of exercises that will allow you to evenly load the weakened part of the body, without provoking excessive overstrain, but at the same time not allowing the muscles to weaken too much. But is the swing of the press included in these sets of exercises?

Pros and cons of loading

With the development of a vertebral hernia, it is necessary to carry out only those exercises that will be most useful, but at the same time bring a minimum of discomfort. It is also necessary to take into account the negative aspects of any load.

When pumping the press, patients should remember about such disadvantages of the load as:

  • finding hands behind the head, and legs in a bent position, which increases the level of load on the spinal column;
  • the habit of pulling the knees to the chest or, on the contrary, stretching the head towards the bent knees, since there is a high probability of provoking an infringement of the defect;
  • the need to move quite infrequently, performing lifts, twists or sharp turns that will adversely affect the patient's condition.

abdominal muscle exercises

But if there are minuses, then there are certainly pluses, otherwise the swing of the press would not have been performed even by healthy people for a long time.

The pluses include:

  • the ability of the exercise to stimulate blood flow processes, due to which the intervertebral discs and other elements begin to receive enough nutrition and regenerate better;
  • the ability to strengthen the surrounding tissues, which reduces the risk of injury with minimal stress;
  • the ability to positively influence the overall mobility of the patient, which is especially important if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the ability to have a general strengthening effect on the human body.

The severity of the load during traditional exercises

To better understand why rocking the press is not the best exercise for vertebral hernias, it is necessary to understand exactly how the load occurs with this simple exercise.

It all starts with the fact that the patient, lying on his back, sharply strains the spinal muscles, trying to lift the body. At the same time, he can help himself with his hands behind his head, bringing his elbows together and strengthening traction in this way.

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With a tangible effort, the jerk necessary to lift off the floor is nevertheless made. In this case, the spine in exceptional cases is located evenly, without distortions. If there is at least a minimal distortion in the musculoskeletal system, there is an instantaneous redistribution of the load, which can, at best, lead to an aggravation of the pain syndrome, and at worst, to pinching of the hernial protrusion in the lower back.

The abdominal muscles themselves begin to work only after the main movement has been completed.

They, as it were, "bring" the separation from the floor to the end, while receiving their dose of load. But in parallel, the spine suffers from the fact that the muscles around it have not yet had time to relax and only aggravated the already existing compression. So how to keep yourself in shape with an intervertebral hernia? And is it possible, as a result, to pump the press with a hernia of the lumbar spine?

What to Do Safely

If pumping the press with an intervertebral hernia is fraught with complications of the disease, then what exercises can you perform without fear of harming yourself? Simple gymnastics, which can be found on the video, will not only help maintain your own health, avoiding injuries, but also have a beneficial effect on the figure.

hernia exercises

So how to pump up the press correctly:

  1. You can hang on the horizontal bar or, for example, stretch with your whole body in a prone position. This simple exercise will stimulate blood circulation and prepare muscle structures for the upcoming load. It is recommended to perform at least several times a day.
  2. Standing on all fours, it is necessary to bend the back first to the ceiling, and then to the floor. It would seem that the exercise is quite simple and does not require much effort, but when it is performed at least 10 times, the patient will feel not only fatigue in the spine, but also a pleasant heaviness in the stomach.
  3. With unexpressed hernias, it is allowed to lie on the stomach and, resting your hands on the floor, slowly raise the upper body, leaving the pelvis on a horizontal surface . At the same time, it is important to remember that there is no goal to break records of flexibility.
  4. Without changing the position, the legs are bent at the knees and they try to reach the back of the head to the feet (again, this is impossible to do without special training, and therefore it is forbidden to be zealous).
  5. From the same position, it is recommended, having raised the upper and lower limbs, to bend slightly in the spinal column, stopping for a few seconds.
  6. Now you need to lie on your back and, bending your knees, press them to the buttocks as much as possible. Then make slow rises of the pelvic area to the maximum possible height. Then they are also slowly lowered. It is important not to make sudden movements and do everything as slowly as possible.
  7. Performing a simple and well-known exercise called "bicycle". It must be done at a leisurely pace.
  8. As a final chord, it is recommended to re-hang a little on the horizontal bar or to stretch in a horizontal position. This will help to remove the load received during the execution of the complex from the muscle structures. Here's how you can pump the press with a herniated spine.

physical education with a hernia

Summing up, we can conclude that rocking the press is not the best exercise for people who suffer from a disease such as a spinal hernia.

Today, a large number of much more useful exercises have been developed that will not only help maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system in case of intervertebral pathology, but also maintain the figure in good condition, which is especially important for the fairer sex.

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