Hanging on the horizontal bar with intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is a disease that is extremely widespread today. This is facilitated by the features of the life of a modern person, malnutrition and many other factors. Most often, the defect is formed in the lumbar region, since this area bears the greatest load.

For many patients, doctors recommend strengthening the spine through physical activity during the period of remission. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a person asks a natural question about whether , for example, it is possible to hang on a horizontal bar with a hernia of the spine?

The benefits and harms of the horizontal bar

To answer the question of whether it is allowed to perform exercises on the horizontal bar with a hernia of the lumbar spine, it is necessary to understand what general effects exercise on this projectile has on the body. After all, it is impossible not to take into account the impact of disc protrusion and hernia on the entire spine as a whole.

With an intervertebral hernia, many patients are recommended to exercise with the help of a horizontal bar. Physical education on this subject has practically no contraindications, except for the acute period of the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

Exercise on the horizontal bar is recommended due to the following effects:

  • hanging on the horizontal bar contributes to alternate stretching and compression of the spine, which makes it possible to strengthen the spinal muscles and improve blood circulation processes (a stable muscle frame will not allow hernias to worsen, and an improvement in blood flow will stimulate regenerative processes, helping to get rid of the defect);
  • simple exercises help to improve the stability of the spinal column to external influences, increase its elasticity;
  • blood supply improves not only in the spinal column itself, but also in the surrounding soft tissues, due to which they also actively regenerate;
  • under the influence of even simple physical activity, bone structures get rid of the salts accumulated in them, which contributes to their strengthening and is beneficial for the body.

True, despite the fact that pull-ups on the horizontal bar and other exercises are very useful, they are recommended to be performed only after the approval of a specialist has been obtained.

Recommended Exercises

Exercises on the horizontal bar with a hernia are recommended to be taken together with a doctor. This is due to the fact that a weakened spinal column requires careful attention so that complications from excessive physical activity do not develop.

With the development of a vertebral hernia, the most basic exercises are:

  • classic hanging, in which a person simply hangs on the bar without moving and listens to his feelings (if there is no pain or discomfort, then it is allowed to do some simple movements, for example, turns in the pelvis or lifting legs bent at the knee area);
  • you can pull up on the horizontal bar after the classic hanging for several days will not cause any negative sensations, and it is recommended to start with a maximum of 1-2 pull-ups and gradually increase their number to 5-8, but no more, so as not to overload the body (performance is allowed only with a wide grip);
  • if after several weeks of such exercises the vertebrae do not make themselves felt, it is allowed to alternate a wide grip with a narrow one.

It is important to remember that training should not go to the limit. You can not overestimate your strength and load the body too much so as not to encounter problems caused by overvoltage.

Elementary safety precautions

In order for exercises with an intervertebral hernia to be beneficial, you need to do it right.

The following simple tips are recommended:

  • in no case should a hanging person be pulled by the limbs or disturbed in any way;
    movements should always be smooth, as smooth as possible, which is especially important when doing pull-ups;
  • during and after classes, you need to carefully monitor your own health, noting any discomfort in the entire spine as a whole, and not just in the problem area, if there is discomfort, then it is better to stop the exercises for a couple of days, and then resume them with a minimum load;
  • it is recommended to perform exercises using the crossbar twice a day, but not immediately after getting out of bed and not immediately before going to bed;
  • with normal hanging, the load should fall only on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms, while the back should be in the most relaxed state;
  • classes should take place outdoors or, if this is not possible, then in a room with good ventilation;
  • it is impossible that the horizontal bar is too high, the crossbar should be located so that it can be reached without a jump, only by making a small step;
    if patients have not previously engaged in such physical education, care must be taken that the first classes are not excessively long.

Good alternative

The horizontal bar is a good way to prevent and treat a herniated disc, but it is not suitable for everyone. An alternative to this type of exercise can be a reclining hang, which is considered less traumatic, and comparable in effectiveness to the classic exercise.

To get a not too strong load and maximum relaxation of the spinal muscles, a 20º slope will be enough to perform the exercises. Help. Such an inclination of the vertebrae will receive not too strong compression, but at the same time the muscles will be as relaxed as possible.

Before hanging, it is recommended to prepare the spine by doing some simple set of exercises while lying on the floor. This simple measure will help disperse the blood and warm up the muscles.

A horizontal bar for a hernia of the lumbar spine is an excellent way to prolong the remission of the disease, and in some cases, contribute to a complete cure. The main thing is to follow simple recommendations correctly, not to overload your own spine, and be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercises at all.

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