How to treat a hernia without surgery

Treatment of a hernia without surgery, regardless of its origin, is not easy, but still possible. It is not at all surprising that many patients suffering from this difficult pathology ask themselves the natural question of how to cure a hernia without going under the surgeon's knife?

Carrying out the treatment of a hernia at home is not an easy task, if only because it requires a fair amount of perseverance and regularity.

But, if the patient is ready to fight for his health, medicine can offer him many approaches to cope with the problem. Among them are yoga classes, and cupping therapy, and approaches that are optimal for an infant. So what methods are used to get rid of pathology today and, most importantly, do these methods have any features?

Characteristics of the disease

Before finding out whether a hernial protrusion can be cured without surgery, it is necessary to understand what kind of pathology it is. A hernia can develop in any part of the body, but the navel and spine are most commonly affected.

In the umbilical region, a defect is formed due to exposure to high intra-abdominal pressure. Unable to cope with the loads, the muscles and tendons diverge a little, and a fat sac is formed in the resulting hole, in which internal organs may be.

Most often, the intestines suffer, but the stomach, uterine appendages can also be involved.

When the spine is damaged, the mechanism for the formation of pathology is somewhat different. Now the intervertebral disc suffers, the nucleus pulposus of which protrudes into the spinal canal. There are a lot of reasons for the formation of bulging, but doctors are unanimous in the opinion that the main role belongs to the modern lifestyle, and with it physical inactivity.  

So how to get rid of a hernia without surgery, and is it possible to do this at all?

Medical therapy

When wondering how to treat a hernia without resorting to the help of surgeons, many patients immediately recall various drug therapies. That's right, conservative treatment of a hernia with medicines today is the method of choice in the case when you need to get rid of the disease yourself.

Medicines have the ability not only to stop the symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate its causes. This is important in order to achieve not a temporary effect, but to cure the pathology.

Treatment without surgery with the help of drugs is based on the use of the following means, when it comes to damage to the spine:

  • analgesics , which are designed to reduce the severity of pain;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugshelping to cope with inflammatory processes;
  • chondroprotectorsthat are needed to protect the cartilage of the intervertebral discs from destruction;
  • glucocorticosteroids , which are needed to relieve very severe pain and inflammation;
  • muscle relaxantshelping eliminate spasm of muscle muscles.

True, with a hernia in the navel, medications are practically not used in therapy. This is explained not only by the lack of effectiveness, but also by the fact that the disease often develops in a newborn child, and in this case, medication is very limited.

It is important to remember that medical treatment for hernia should always be selected on an individual basis for patients. It is necessary to take into account not only the presence of the disease and its severity.

The general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases also play a role in the choice of drugs. In this regard, self-medication and attempts to self-select drugs are under the strictest ban.

Use of herbs

Hernia treatment with folk remedies is based mainly on the use of various herbs and other agricultural products.

Independently for the treatment of a child or an adult, you can use:

  1. Potentilla infusion . It is prepared by adding two tablespoons of herbs to a glass of milk and boiling over a fire for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and drunk in a glass twice a day.
  2. A good effect can be achieved with a nettle compress, for the manufacture of which the leaves of a young plant are used . They are collected, crushed with a noom or using a blender, and then, laid out on a cabbage leaf, they are applied to the area of ​​​​the formed defect. The compress is fixed with a warm scarf. Cabbage leaf can be replaced with burdock.
  3. Breaker is another effective remedy if a hernia has developed in men or women. Prolomnik in the amount of two tablespoons is poured with water and boiled, and then infused for three hours. Drink a decoction of 3-4 glasses a day;
  4. In treatment, it is possible to use burdock infusion , which is prepared according to a simple scheme and consumed in the amount of several glasses a day.

A hernia with folk remedies can even be treated with ordinary soda, but the latter method is not very widespread. 

Home remedies for umbilical hernia

A hernia in the navel is often formed in newborns. Many parents do not want to send Grudnichkov for surgery at all, and then they ask themselves what can be used for a therapeutic effect on the pathology without harming the child.

Blue clay has a healing function. It must be rolled into a small plate the size of a copper coin and placed on the baby's navel. Fix the compress with cling film and leave for 24 hours. After the child, they inspect and change the dried clay to fresh. In two weeks, the pathology will be in the past.

For the treatment of children who do not have allergies, as well as adults, a simple compress such as honey and mummy is also suitable. The two components are mixed with each other, the mass rolls into a cake and is attached to the defect area with a cling film. The frequency of replacement of the compress and the duration of treatment are the same as in the case of blue clay.

It is believed that the most ordinary copper heel can help in the fight against the disease. The coin is gently pressed against the area of ​​the defect so that it lies tightly enough, after which it is fixed with electrical tape or adhesive tape. The coin must remain in its place for at least three days. After 72 hours, it is recommended to remove the coin and assess the condition of the hernia.

If the pathology has disappeared, you can not tie the nickel again. If the signs of pathology persist, the penny is returned to its place for another three days. The procedure is repeated until the effect is achieved.

A child can be treated with a penny on their own and with a good effect.

Alternative Therapy

Treatment of an incisional hernia without surgery or other invasive interventions is not an easy task. Today, in order to achieve optimal results, doctors involve not only traditional medicine, but also many alternative methods to achieve the effect.

What helps to treat a hernia at home without going to a surgeon? What methods are most optimal and will produce the best effect?


Acupuncture involves the introduction of small needles into various biologically active areas of the body. Thanks to microdamages, it is often possible to improve local blood circulation and stimulate many regenerative processes. Acupuncture is a technique that today has helped a large number of patients cope with pathology, at the same time significantly improving the overall tone of the body.

Treatment of a hernia with acupuncture is a completely justified option. After all, the purpose of the main drugs used is to improve blood circulation and eliminate muscle spasm to reduce pain. And correctly inserted needles into the body will help to cope with the problem without using drugs.

It is important to remember that before using acupuncture, a consultation with the attending physician is necessary, as well as a careful selection of a specialist who will carry out the procedures. In many ways, the effectiveness depends on the competence of the acupuncturist, and if his knowledge is inferior, you can not get relief from your condition, but, on the contrary, face a variety of complications.

Acupuncture, according to many doctors, is not effective, but on the other hand, there is an opinion that it helps to consolidate the effect against the background of the use of medications.


Various types of gymnastics are another great way to get rid of a hernia without surgery. Moreover, gymnastics is recommended for patients who have undergone surgery for a disease. It will help you recover faster and get back to work.

One of the varieties of gymnastics is yoga. This ancient Indian gymnastics will allow you to stop a hernia without surgery. You can practice yoga not only under the supervision of trainers, but also on your own, since it is rather difficult, even almost unrealistic, to harm yourself using this technique. True, yoga classes should be carried out in a good emotional state in order for the effect to be good.

Any gymnastics, including yoga, should become a daily routine if a person really wants to get rid of his disease.

If you think about physical education once a month or once a week, you should not expect high efficiency from the method. It is also important to remember that no doctor can force a patient to practice at home if he himself does not want to.

Therefore, gymnastics is the method of choice for non-surgical treatment only if the patient is ready to devote time to his health and does not hope that there is a miracle pill that will help to cope with the disease after the first dose.


Various types of massage are another great way to get rid of the disease. In most cases, patients prefer the classic massage that doctors offer them. As in the case of acupuncture, a careful choice of the specialist who will carry out the procedure is required.

In addition to the main classical massage, many patients use, for example, banks. With their help, it is possible to improve the regenerative capabilities in the area of ​​the defect, to stimulate local blood flow.

It is also possible to use segmental massage, acupressure, Thai. The choice of the optimal technique is best left to the attending physician in order to avoid mistakes and not harm yourself.

In addition to the above methods, hirudotherapy is widely popular today. This method involves the use of medical leeches. Their saliva does not allow blood to stagnate in the defect area, diluting it. It also turns out to improve regeneration and local immunity due to microtraumas. True, the treatment of hernia with leeches is prohibited if the patient has problems with blood clotting.

Non-surgical treatment of a hernia in the modern world is not a problem at all. The main thing is to take care of your health in a timely manner and choose the best methods to influence your own condition.

A doctor can always help a patient with the choice of optimal methods, you should not self-medicate even if it seems that the disease is quite simple. It is also important to remember that in adult patients, the treatment of umbilical hernia without surgery is impossible with all the desire.

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